The Project so far

It's been nearly 10 years since the school project was first conceived.

Here's a timeline of what's happened so far.

Sept 2015
Visit to the gambia to purchase land

Shmoo and Matthew go to The Gambia to purchase the land for the school.

"Buying the land with Matthew was the first step in securing the future of these children."

Shmoo, Sound Journey Practitioner and charity Trustee.

Feb 2017
School building plans arrived
June 2018
Foundations installed and first brick laid

Bricks were added a bit at a time as funds allowed

March 2020
Final brick laid

The school became recognisable and things started feeling more real at this point

"It took longer than expected but we did what we could to keep the project going. Slowly slowly as they say."

Matthew, Construction worker and the Charities original founder

Roof construction started
Roof completed and building made watertight

This was a huge mile stone but there was still more work to be done.

Tiling, second fix electrics, solar powered waterpump installed
Living quarters are complete, so are electrics.
February 2024
Project gets its own identity, Sobeyaa was born and the project was given a new lease of life.

The name "Sobeyaa" is born.

Sobeyaa meaning


Hardworking and dedication

Spring 2024
Reaching out for doners in a push to get the school finished and ready to open.

This first School will be catering for children aged 4 to 18 during the day and evening adult classes will be offered at a later stage.

Whats next

Please join us and be a part of the change in The Gambia by sponsoring a child. Click below for more details.

Learn about the programme